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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

11 June 20 - Parent Letter - Years 7,8,9

I write to keep you up to date and fully informed of developments at Campsmount.  Following Government advice and guidelines, we are looking to reopen our doors to Years 10 and 12 from Monday 15th June. There will be strict social distancing measures in place and we will follow the Government guidance that states no more than 25% of these year groups can be in the building at any one time. Therefore, students in these year groups will attend in small groups for one day per week on a rota basis and continue their remote learning at home for the rest of the week.

This means there are currently no plans for years 7, 8 and 9 to return to direct learning in school at this time. This is in line with other schools throughout both the Doncaster area and nationally. We will continue to follow guidance from the Government, DfE and Director of Public Health Doncaster regarding opening fully to all students in September and will continue to send regular updates to all parents. Please read the attached letter from Dr Rupert Suckling, Director of Public Health Doncaster who has recommended a phased return to school for years 10 and 12 only at this time.

In the meantime, our remaining students have a programme of remote learning to follow.  A copy of the timetable which has been issued previously is shown here:

Timetable Y7 to 9


Week 2/4/6

Week 3/5/7


En, Ma, Sc

En, Ma, Sc



Hi, MFL, Dr


En, Ma, Sc

En, Ma, Sc


Hi, Ar, DT

Gg, Mu, IT


En, Ma, Sc

En, Ma, Sc


Timetable Y10


Week 2/4/6

Week 3/5/7


En, Ma, Sc

En, Ma, Sc


Op 2, Op 4

Op 2, Op 4


En, Ma, Sc

En, Ma, Sc


Op 1, Op 3

Op 1, Op 3


En, Ma, Sc

En, Ma, Sc

The lessons will be posted on ‘Teams’ on a weekly basis for students to access.  If students then encounter any problems at all with the work set, there are Live Support Sessions run by teachers every afternoon to offer any help required.  We have previously sent out guidance for students and their parents on how to access Teams however if you are having any difficulty at all please do not hesitate to contact either Mr Broad ( or Miss Hudson ( Well done to all the students who have accessed these sessions, it has been lovely to hear from you.

Quite what September will look like, nobody yet knows.  However please be assured all guidance and advice will be followed and that during the planning of any return the safety of our students and staff will be of paramount importance. 

In the meantime, the keyworker provision for children of key workers and our most vulnerable students will continue to operate in school. Places are limited and can be booked by emailing For those families eligible for Free School Meals, the vouchers continue to be provided by the DfE at this time.

May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during these unprecedented times and we look forward to a time when we can welcome all our students back.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Dale