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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

Arrangements for January


As you may be aware it has been announced that there will be further delays to to full reopening of schools following the Christmas break.

The government will be prioritising secondary-age students for rapid, asymptomatic testing in response to the high rates of COVID infection. Students and staff will have the opportunity to be tested in school from the 5th January.  

In order to put this provision in place, schools have been asked to introduce a phased and staggered return to school. 

The academy will remain open from the 5th January for students who have been identified as children of key workers or vulnerable children as per government guidance. These students will participate in supervised online learning and will follow the same work provided for those at home. Students must wear full school uniform and attend school 8:35am – 3pm. If you require this provision for your child, please contact the academy on

Monday 4th January – INSET day (academy will be closed for all students) 

Tuesday 5th January – Friday 8th January:   

All students (Years 7 to 13) to access their live lessons remotely via TEAMS.  

The student timetable for lessons is as follows:

Period Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Post 16
Tutor 8.35-8.55 8.35-8.55 8.35-8.55 8.35-8.55 8.35-8.55 8.35-8.55
1 9.05-9.35 9.05-9.35 9.05-9.35 9.05-9.35 9.05-9.35 9.05-9.35
2 10.00-10.30 10.00-10.30 10.00-10.30 10.00-10.30 10.00-10.30 10.00-10.30
3 11.00-11.30 11.00-11.30 11.00-11.30 11.00-11.30 11.00-11.30 11.00-11.30
4 11.50-12.20 12.30-1.00 12.30-1.00 12.00-12.30 12.00-12.30 12.30-1.00
5 1.30-2.00 1.30-2.00 1.30-2.00 1.30-2.00 1.30-2.00 1.30-2.00
6 2.15-2.45 2.15-2.45 2.15-2.45 2.15-2.45 2.15-2.45 2.15-2.45

Students will find their lessons scheduled on their Teams calendar or it will also be posted in the general channel of their class team. 

Students should join the lesson that is scheduled 5 minutes before the start. When they click to join it will inform the class teacher that they are waiting to join the lesson. The class teacher will then admit the students to the lesson. Teams will tell the students that the lesson organiser knows they are waiting and will admit them. 

This is a feature that ensures a teacher will be in the virtual classroom at all times with students. Students must remain in the lesson, if they leave and then try to rejoin the teacher has to readmit them. Once a lesson is underway teachers will then be able to focus on ensuring students can fulfil their learning for that session. 

When students enter a lesson microphones should be muted and cameras on. A student has the ability to raise their hand to indicate to the teacher that they wish to ask a question or answer a question posed by the teacher. 

If you have any difficulties with accessing ICT and devices during this period of remote learning please do not hesitate to contact the academy on

From Monday 11th January 

Years 11, 12 and 13 will return to the academy and testing for these students will begin that week. 

Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 to continue with remote learning. 

From Monday 18th January 

All students back in the academy and the remaining year groups will be tested that week.  

Once further, and more detailed, information is received by the schools, we will of course be in touch. In the meantime, a consent form for you to give permission for your child to be tested will be sent via parent mail. This also includes additional information about the test procedure. I would be very grateful if you could complete the form by Monday 4th January.  

Thank you again for your support. Please do not hesitate to contact the academy via if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Elizabeth Browne
