A new science resource is available to all our students!
We are pleased to share information regarding a new online homework and assessment tool we are using in Science that is aimed at improving independence and question practice for students.
The website is www.educake.co.uk and each student has their own username and password to access questions that are specific to the course they are studying at school.
By using Educake, students are able to answer targeted homework questions from their teachers which are set regularly, as well as setting themselves questions on areas they wish to develop. This will help them to prepare for any end of unit assessments, GCSE exams or mock exams they may be doing in school.
When a student logs in they can see what homework and tests have been set by teachers, when the deadlines are and their scores and progress through the tests. Educake also produces a report of a student’s strengths and areas for development - please help support your child by asking to see the report online and helping quiz the areas for development with their revision guide. Studies show that achievement is greatest when parents are involved in their child's learning.
Students without access to the online platform at home may log on to it in school during lunchtime ICT club.
We're encouraging parents to go through Educake with their child and see the benefits of the assessment tools. If anyone has any questions regarding this, please contact your child’s Science teacher who will be happy to help.