The relationship between student, school and parents is cruitial for the success of a young person!
We know that one of the single biggest contributions that parents can make to their child’s education is to send them to school every day. The impact of attendance on results is clear and this has recently been shown in a letter that was sent to all our parents. Students with attendance above 95% achieve the best results!
A student with below 90% attendance is legally defined as persistently absent from school and it is impossible for a student to catch up on this amount of lost learning time. We do of course, realise that there are at times absences which are unavoidable, however:
Every Day Counts:
As a parent, please support your child in the following ways:
We have recently made adjustments to the school day, and as a result students go straight into lessons at 8:35am. Therefore, students who are late miss crucial learning time as well as interrupting the learning of others by entering the classroom late.
Our students know that they need to be committed to their own learning. We ask parents to be committed to sending them to school every day and on time; Every Day Counts!
Please find attached information regarding what to do if your child is absent and if you require additional information please contact your child’s progress leader at school.