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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

Parent Letter 27.03.20 - Coronavirus Update

We hope that you and your family are all well at this most challenging of times.  We are so grateful for your support and positive messages over the last week as we all try to adapt to the ever changing situation. 

We have ensured that we have provided emergency childcare for children across the Trust, and with your help the numbers have reduced dramatically during the week, which ensures only those who need it most have attended. This has allowed us to safeguard our staff effectively and also ensure those that do attend have significantly reduced interactions. We do need to stress that this is emergency childcare and not an educational provision, and we may not always be able to meet demand. The provision continues be at Campsmount Academy (Spa, Moss Road and Littlemoor are not open).

We have also ensured that those in receipt of Free School Meals have been provided for, and staff and parents have supported families by delivering these to those who may be self-isolating or not able to collect. The Government have stated that they will be shortly looking to replace this with a voucher system nationally and as soon as this is confirmed, we will inform those to which this applies.

The work set for students across the Trust has also been positively received and we have had many emails and phone-calls from parents with questions about the remote learning process. The work that has currently been set is due last until the end of the week beginning 13th April, after which additional work will be set. This is an unprecedented situation and we are acting on feedback and adapting the process accordingly. We have written a Parent’s Guide (see link below) to address most of the questions we have had and it provides some helpful advice, most of which has come from our own staff who are educating their own children at home as well. Ultimately it is essential that our children are safe, happy and healthy and this time allows for families to be together. My personal advice, for what it is worth, is to ensure that they get plenty of exercise, eat well and try to direct their own learning either through the work set or by other learning experiences such as sport, cooking, activities and their own interests. This way all of the family can be involved in learning and reduce the potential for stressful situations! 

If you are classed as a critical worker (as defined by Government guidelines, see link for further details) and need your child to access the emergency childcare provision for week commencing 30th March 2020 please let us know by emailing

We will need to know the following details:

  • Name of child
  • School and year group of your child
  • Critical worker job role and employer
  • Which days the childcare is needed for

The Government’s definition of a worker in one of the critical sectors who is able to access the childcare within school is included in the link below:

We appreciate you may have already provided this information, however as guidelines are being updated/revised on a regular basis, we do need to gather this information again. This will help us to ensure the provision is adequately staffed, whilst at the same time ensuring our staff and students stay as safe and as healthy as possible.

Once an email has been received and staff numbers are verified, you will receive a confirmation email that your child has a place (this will be reviewed daily).  Please do not turn up to Campsmount on the day if you have not received your confirmation email as we cannot guarantee that a place will be available.

We have also taken the decision to continue with this provision over the Easter Holidays including Good Friday and Easter Bank Holiday Monday. This way children of Critical workers will still be able to access childcare provision during this time. However, it is essential that places are booked so that we can staff accordingly and potentially not open if there is not the demand, therefore instructing staff not to attend and protecting them further.

If your child is eligible for Free School Meals we will offer a packed lunch of a sandwich, savoury item such as a sausage roll, cake/biscuit and piece of fruit. In order to plan for this, we require parents to order meals for a week at a time, and all orders must be placed by Friday at 15:30pm for the following week. Please place your order by emailing or by telephoning Leger Education Trust on 01302 700002 between 9:15am – 3:00pm, confirming the name of your child, the school they attend and which days they will require a meal. When placing your order, please ensure you include details of any allergies or dietary requirements your child may have. Parents or students from all schools will be able to collect the packed lunch from the main entrance at Campsmount Academy daily between 12 noon – 1pm. You will need to bring a bag to take the meal home in.

I appreciate this is a difficult and stressful time for all, but please be assured we are doing our best to work with you all.

Yours faithfully

Adam Dale
Chief Executive Officer