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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

KS3-The Curriculum as the Progression Model

At Campsmount Academy, the strategy we are adopting in relation to curriculum is something called ‘The Curriculum as the Progression Model’. The idea behind this model is to measure exactly what students have been taught, allowing them to apply the knowledge and skills they have been developing. To do this effectively, staff have had to work more collaboratively than ever to co-author well-defined endpoints: statements that demonstrate explicitly what students need to know and be able to do. This is because progress is inextricably linked to the curriculum. Students make progress as they learn the curriculum.


So, what do we want to see at the end if students have successfully progressed through the curriculum? We ask ourselves the following questions:

●What should students know?
●What should students be able to do?
●What questions should students be able to answer?
●What knowledge should students have ready for the next stage?


How will you know the curriculum has been learnt?


Section 4 is an optional extended writing task.

Please click the links below to find out more about each subject's curriculum endpoints.