We want all of our students to feel that school is a happy, secure and safe place. If our students enjoy school, then they are successful happy learners.
At Campsmount we pride ourselves in having strong relationship between staff and students. Our staff value students as individuals and real people, where respect is mutual.
Our Pastoral System focuses on supporting all children and young people to ensure that they reach their full potential both in terms of their learning as well as their personal and social development.
Your first point of contact is your son or daughters Form Tutor. This contact can be made through the use of their planner or a phone call to our main reception.
Should the contact be about attendance then your query should be directed to our Attendance Officers, Mrs C Drobac, Mrs J Butterworth and Mrs S McClarence, telephone 01302 700002 ext 148
If you are reporting your child's absence please ring the main school number on 01302 700002 (Option 1).
Leading the team of Form Tutors are our Heads of Year, they are:
Serious Safety Concerns:
If staff, parents or the general public have serious concerns about the welfare / safety of a child they can contact:
Please visit our Anti-Bullying web page.
Children's guide to the review of Child Protection
Rights 4 Me Questions and answers
Sleep Success Newsletter Article
Young Persons Guide to Keeping Children Safe
Young Persons Guide to Working together to safeguard children