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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

Special Education Needs and Disability

We support all our students and help them to exceed exceptions, feel confident and grow. If your child has special educational needs, we are here to help. We have a dedicated team of Teaching Assistants and Higher Level Teaching Assistants, led by our SENCO Mr Chapman. We are confident we can support your child with any special educational needs or disabilities they may have.

Your child or a child you know may have difficulties in these areas:

  • behaviour or ability to socialise, for example they struggle to make friends
  • reading and writing, for example because they have dyslexia or a delay in their learning
  • ability to understand things
  • concentration levels, for example because they have ADHD
  • physical ability to undertake tasks both at classroom level or in sports or play.

Come and talk to us if you think your child needs any of the following help:

  • a special learning programme
  • extra help from a teacher or assistant
  • to work in a smaller group
  • observation in class or at break     
  • help taking part in class activities
  • extra encouragement in their learning, eg to ask questions or to try something they find difficult
  • help communicating with other children
  • support with physical or personal care difficulties, eg eating, getting around school safely or using the toilet

There is a document provided by the government that might give you some further reading if you are interested or concerned. Please follow this link:

More details about Doncaster's Local Offer and support can be found on the Doncaster Council website. Here is a link:

A copy of our Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Report is attached to this page and is also available on our whole school policies web page.