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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

KS4 Core Subject Information

Core Subjects

In Key Stage 4, all students will study the following subjects:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • RS and Lifeskills
  • Aspire

Aspire Curriculum

In addition to qualification courses, all students will access our Aspire Curriculum during tutor time and on Aspire Days. Our Aspire Curriculum includes programs in:

  • Personal, Social & Health Education, including aspects of Religious Education.
  • Citizenship and Enterprise Education Key Skills Development.
  • Careers Education.

English Language

Subject Overview

On this course, students develop several skills from information retrieval to analysis and evaluation skills. On Paper 1, students are given a 20th Century extract. They are asked five questions on the text and have one hour to respond. The second section of the paper asks students to write a story. They have 45 minutes to do this. In Paper Two, students are given two extracts: one 19th Century Non-Fiction text and the other a 21st Century Non-Fiction text. Students are given an hour to answer six questions. Section B asks students to write two transactional tasks. These can be anything from a letter to a report.

How is the course assessed?

The course is 100% external examination:

40% Fiction and Imaginative Writing

60% Non-Fiction and Transactional Writing

Each paper includes a range of questions that test your ability to understand and write effectively.

Progression Routes & Careers

GCSE English Language is needed to get on to any course, whether it be A-Level, BTEC or college.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships will ask for evidence of the English Language qualification. It will also be something potential employers look at.

English Literature

Subject Overview

The study of English Literature includes reading a range of seminal texts from William Shakespeare’s ‘The Tragedy of Macbeth,’ to Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ and J.B.Priestley’s ‘’An Inspector Calls’. Students are also given the opportunity to study the Edexcel Conflict Poetry Anthology, in addition to reading several poets to prepare them for the unseen element of the examination. This course helps students to develop a greater awareness of the human condition, empathy and understanding of others. It complements the study of English Language, reinforcing the refinement of the skills outlined above.

How is the course assessed?

The course is 100% external examination:

40% Shakespeare and Post 1914 Literature

60% 19th Century Novel and Poetry since 1789

Each paper includes a range of questions that test your ability to understand and write effectively.

Progression Routes and Careers

GCSE English Literature is required if the study of A-Level English Literature is desired.

A-Levels such as English Literature are helpful if the study of Law, Journalism or teaching is of interest


Subject Overview

The mathematics course followed is a Linear GCSE.

Regular internal assessments will ensure that students’ progress is closely monitored during the course and ensure that appropriate interventions take place to allow students to achieve the best grade possible.

The course has two tiers of entry – Higher (Grade 4-9) and Foundation (Grade 1-5).

How is the course assessed?

The scheme of assessment is linear, with three papers at each tier to be taken in the same examination series. Questions for all 3 papers are a mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems. Mathematical demand increases as students progress through the paper. Any of the course content can be assessed through any of the exam papers.

Progression Routes and Careers

This qualification can prepare learners for further education and is a required standard for many jobs and apprenticeships.

Future career routes are massively varied as maths, in both its theoretical and practical usage, form important parts of almost all jobs.


Subject Overview

Science helps us to understand many of the things that happen in the physical world. We can use our knowledge to predict what will happen in unfamiliar situations and models to allow us to visualize what cannot be seen with the naked eye. Most importantly however, science provides us with techniques and skills for finding answers to questions. Practical activities will provide opportunities to develop transferable skills such as teamwork and communication. Students will develop a good understanding of the three disciplines, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. New technology affects us all and in recent years we are becoming more aware of our impact on the environment, science will help us to understand concepts such as Climate Change and the development of alternative energy resources.

How is the course assessed?

The examinations are 6 written exams, and these exams are taken at the end of the course in Year 11. There will be two exams for each Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Some students will have the opportunity to study Separate Science and will be awarded three separate GCSEs for each Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

All students will have the opportunity to achieve a minimum of two GCSEs through studying Trilogy Science, where the final GCSE grades are a combination of the scores achieved across the three disciplines.

During the course all students will complete a series of required practical’s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics where they may be assessed on any of them in the final exams.

Students with good GCSE Science grades, whether they have taken the Trilogy or Separate science route are ideally placed to continue their study of science to a higher level in Post 16 through A-Levels or BTEC Applied Science.

Progression Routes and Careers

Fancy being a Crime Scene Investigator, a Forensic Scientist, or being a Food Taster? A Doctor or a Vet? What about aircraft maintenance or designing racing bikes? Forecasting the weather or launching a satellite? It could be possible with a good background in Science!

Core PE

Subject Overview  

Through weekly involvement in general PE lessons, Core PE will develop skills and qualities that will help students both in and outside of school routines. Students who are regularly physically active in our curriculum will develop confidence and the ability to work as a team. Students will also develop listening and communication skills that are vital in other areas of their school curriculum, as we as having the confidence to take risks and be creative. Students will adopt a healthy, active lifestyle where they value the benefits of regular exercise in maintaining good physical, and mental wellbeing.    

Some students may have the opportunity to take the PE qualification in core PE lessons. If there is capacity for this, the course provides an engaging and relevant introduction to the world of sport. It incorporates important aspects of the industry, such as fitness testing and training for sport and exercise, practical sports performance and sports leadership. It enables students to develop and apply your knowledge, while also developing a range of relevant practical, communication and technical skills.

How is the course assessed?

You will carry out an exam, tasks and assignments throughout the course. The exam will be marked externally, and your teacher will mark the tasks and assignments, and you will receive feedback as to how you are getting on. A variety of units will be covered ranging from components of fitness, training methods, leadership in sport and applying skills in a practical setting.

Progression Routes and Careers

If you are interested in taking your study of sport further, the subject-specific knowledge and skills outlined above, and developed through studying this qualification, will give you a strong foundation for academic or vocational study at level 3 at Campsmount Academy Post 16 and including apprenticeships.


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